Know the social rules to win the game of social engagement.

Become a Workshop Facilitator!

Woman of color with post-its smiling at blonde-haired woman

Mirror Image Workshops, Inc. offers  a great opportunity to anyone who desires to practice or improve their facilitation skills. Our facilitators are screened, coached and tested for the topic of choice. Assignments are based on an as-needed basis. Facilitators must be flexible with hours and willing to travel.

We offer paid and volunteer facilitator positions. Our course topics,  emphasis, location, classroom requirements, and audiences vary and are designed based on demand. NOTE: NO professional credits are given for facilitation services at this time.

If you’re interested in adding your name to our list of facilitators, or want more information, please click the button below to send Terri an email. Thanks in advance for your interest! MI Workshops would love to have you join the MIW team!